Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose level is lower than normal, usually less than 70 mg/dl. It comes from Greek words. Hypo = under, Glyco = glucose or sugar, Hamia = blood.
It's also called an insulin reaction because most common forms of mild and severe conditions of it occur as a complication of treatment of diabetes with insulin or oral medications.
It may occur in a mild form and the signs would be hunger, perspiration, dizziness, sleepiness, and confusion. If left untreated, it may occur in a severe form and there will be signs like nervousness, shakiness, paleness, and headache.

Severe condition may lead to unconsciousness.
It is treated rapidly by restoring the blood glucose level to normal by the ingestion or administration of glucose tablet or carbohydrate foods quickly digestible to glucose like sweat juice, cola, a candy, or a teaspoon of sugar. We call it the quick sugar food. In some circumstances it is treated by Glucagon injection. Glucagon is a hormone produced by the pancreas to release glycogen stored in liver and muscles.
Do not wait for the symptoms to go away!
If you are concious and you can swallow,
take a quick sugar food right away and go to the nearest hospital for a medical check!
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